My sweet girl turned 7 months old today! She is not so keen with the solids (but that's fine with me). She has one tooth (!!!!) And she is trying (really hard) to crawl. Here is the tooth, and a random baby wearing photo (because its my blog, and I can) ;)
So much has happened since I last posted. I don't even know where to start! Ill just list everything to make it easier for all of us:
- We found a place to live (yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaayyy!!!!!) (!!!!!!!!!)
- We found a place with a washer and dryer in the unit, so forget my last post about the hand washer. (That would have been amazing but CRAY)
- We made the 7 hour drive (turned 12 hour drive. Our little had a difficult time getting comfortable) from NorCal to SoCal to our new place. In the RAIN. We survived.
- I am blessed with wonderful people in my life that helped us moved in the RAIN.
- Moving from a large apartment to a smaller apartment is....interesting....
- We realized that we had way too much stuff.
- We are currently tossing, donating, and selling a bunch of stuff.
- If you eat at Denny's 5 nights in a row, you will start to feel gross. Just FYI.
- I am soooo happy to be back in Los Angeles.
The picture is of our bathroom heater in our new apartment. Totally old school, vintage, and probably dangerous. HOWEVER, I love these things, and they always remind me of my favourite Hollywood apartment I lived in when I started dating my husband. I feel like because of this heater, everything about our new apartment, the move, the area, is just right. ;)
BTW- The Etsy store is back on. New styles and such coming soon. I have to kick this cold first. Did you know moving is *slightly* stressful?