My husband is going to be so mad at me for posting this, but I am going to do it anyway, because seriously? Nobody is perfect.
A few days ago, my wonderful husband was carrying Alabama and tripped. He fell right on Alabama's ankle. I remember grabbing her from him to comfort her while he collected himself, and then we both swiftly decided to take her to the ER for an ex-ray because 1. the crying was escalating and not stopping and 2., you just never know. She ended up being just fine, nothing broken. Just a sprain. They sent her home with a splint on, though. Which, I remember thinking, "Oh cute, this will be fun to try to keep on", and sure enough it was off in a few hours.
It was an interesting evening for me, though. A few hours leading up to that hiccup in our day, I had been frustrated with random situation that had been taking up too much head space for longer than it should have. And it doesn't matter what it is, because it's sooooooo not a big deal. BUT- you know the kind of thing. A family problem that has no answer or immediate solution. A continuing argument with a spouse that requires SOMETHING, but WHAT?! blah blah blah. Most of the time, the answer is to just shut up, and move on. And I am grateful for the moment of clarity I was granted while sitting in the ER with my sobbing husband and daughter, because I honestly do not have time for stupid drama to sit and fester in my mind. My family is much more important. AND they need me to be present.
Thank god for little reminders like that, right?
I have a few more days left of my precious daughter's first year. I am making a point to do fun stuff during her "birthday week". So far, we've mostly spent time with good friends and people that love her.
....which is all that matters in the end, right?